Week 4 Reflection – what & how I’d like to communicate the chosen place & person

When deciding on what person I was going to use for my assignment one I had to ensure I knew exactly what I wanted to communicate and how I was going to go about doing that. I made the decision to use my Grandmother, as her story of how she came to know great comfort and belonging in the kitchen is one of great inspiration.

Her story has its own tone and timbre as through her words she communicates to the blind audience, her fighting spirit and brave heart to overcome the position she was placed in at such a young age. I aim to ensure the rhythm of my audio piece is smooth and in a casual tone as she speaks in a conversational tone toward the microphone in an attempt to create a close connection with the audience.

I hope to successfully draw the audience in, via empathy, as they listen to the heartfelt background story, and capture their hearts via admiration as they feel inspired to see how her traumatic past has shaped her positive connection to a place: the kitchen. I hope to communicate the space via ambient sounds recorded in the kitchen of actions taken there such as cooking and preparing food.